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Estuary: Return to the Novel, 2019

【小說:雙城計畫】Island Tales: Taiwan and Australia

臺北當代藝術館 ​MOCA Taipei

複合媒材裝置 Mixed media installation

尺寸因空間而異 Dimensions Variable


《小說:臺籍日本兵張正光與我》一書,來自於個人與書中的主角,居住在宜蘭海邊的前神風特攻隊學徒兵,張正光先生(已逝) 的遭遇過程。書中以寫實、杜纂兼具的方式 觸及了張先生的一生,包含二戰時期的參戰經歷,戰後遭到白色恐怖,逃亡香港,乃至於戒嚴前偷渡回臺,後來成為五結鄉季新村的斑節蝦大王的過程。此外,書中也以併照的方式,回溯個人的成長史,作為昔、今國家體制下的生命政治經驗之比對。

作品的場景涉及了臺灣與東亞,本次《重返小說》之計畫,主要選擇以臺灣的場景為主,從個人與張光各自的生命軸線來發展。其中,除了宜蘭縣五結鄉季新村,以及 附近的三水海岸空間以外,另外也涉及個人在臺北博愛市場、臺東大武鄉等地的成長記憶。


This project takes my book, Novel in the Name of Cheng-Kung Chang (published in 2016) as the blueprint to trace the chronicle of Cheng-Kung Chang as well as the relations amongst the author/ artist, Chang, and the multiple scenes in the novel through a creative visual approach that reconstructs the scenes in a style resembling a documentary film.

Novel in the Name of Cheng-Kung Chang is based on the encounter of the protagonist of the book with me. It depicts the life of the late Mr. Cheng Kunug Chang, who was a former Kamikaze military trainee lived by the sea in Yilan, Taiwan. The book encompasses both non-fictional and fictional elements to illustrate Chang's life. Chang had fought in World War II and became a victim of White Terror after the war. He then fled to Hong Kong but sneaked back to Taiwan before the martial law was lifted. Chang later became a prawn-farming tycoon in Jisin Village of Wujie Township in Yilan County. The book details the life experiences of Chang. By juxtaposing my own personal history, it also presents a contrast between the life politics in the past and the present set against a backdrop of state institutions of Taiwan.

The book takes place in Taiwan and other parts of East Asia. The present project, Estuary: Return to the Novel, is mainly set in Taiwan, as it unfolds based on the life courses of Chang and myself. In addition to Jisin Village of Wujie Township in Yilan County and three other locations close to the coastline in Yilan, the project also incorporates my own formative memories from the Boai Market in Taipei, Dawu Township in Taitung, and other places. Regarding to the notion of “return'.

《出海口─重返小說》 Estuary: Return to the Novel, video image , 2019

單頻彩色有聲影像 Single channel video, color, sound 22'14''

《出海口─殭屍》 Estuary: Zombie, video image , 2019 

單頻彩色有聲影像 Single channel video, color, sound 11'57''

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