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高俊宏 Kao JunHonn
《阿普瑞遜-傘》Operation-Shit, 2003
這個階段,面對自我的藝術與創作瓶頸,感到創作中無可避免的空洞性。因此,希望再次藉由創作來面對這個感受。2003年秋天,我開著1.75噸 Mitsubishi 貨車,車上裝載220cm╳125cm╳125cm之金屬裝甲載具一部 (鋁/10輪可移動/可拆組 ),由台北出發順著濱海公路 (台17/台61線) 南下,直到嘉義東石港,右轉、出海、搶灘登陸......
2003 Starting from Taipei, with my 1.75 ton Mitsubishi truck, carrying an armor-clad transporting vehicle measuring 220 cm x 125 cm x 125 cm (made of aluminum, with ten wheels, mobile, disassemble-able), driving south along the Bin-Hai highway (Lines Tai-17/Tai-16) to Port Dong-Shi, Chiayi, turning right, sailing to the sea and disembarking an unknown island...

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