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《逆種植》Body Planting , 2003

video / action


這是一個以「人的表層身體」作為土壤延伸的種植計畫,分為二個步驟進行:(1) 環島採集階段:於台灣島嶼的東、西、南、北、中、及離島等六個位置實地採集植物。(北橫山區/彰濱沿海/ 北大武山區/花東縱谷/南投縣仁愛鄉/台東縣蘭嶼鄉)  (2) 採集者與採集自上述六地之植物進行六段共體生長的過程。(3) 環繞台灣島一周投影。

2003-04    (1)  Take a circle of Taiwan island to collects the stage /in the east, west, south, north of the Taiwan island, medium, and island etc. six positions do to collect the plant on the spot.  (2)  Returning the plant grows to my own body.
(3)   Manufacture a" body-farm car" that the set can move, reflection two stages' film in the car and take a circle of Taiwan island agant.

截圖 2021-12-03 下午10.23.37.jpg
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