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《麥巔》Mai Dian, 2016


M.E.L.T.Ing Project – One Year Conversation: Thread, Ghost Story, Escape

台北當代藝術館 MoCA Taipei

單頻彩色有聲影像 Single channel video, color, sound 10’00’’


Dian Mai grew up in Wuhan; a wild, violent city that is deemed the cradle of Chinese punk music. He started Womenjia Youth Autonomy Lab; a space operated in horizontal management without a leader, bordering on anarchistic; an equivalent of public ruins. I, on the other hand, grew up in Taipei, where there is an established system of art, and innumerable useless projects have been designed to gift-wrap the city. Delirium could be observed from the urban area to the suburbs; and it is unscrupulously called “a city of concept” according to the aesthetics of capitalism. 

Therefore, the dialogues between Mai and I were actually embodiment of silent wildness. They were in the chilly autumn air of Wuhan in 2012, in his and my articles, in the suicide of Chin in Dechang neighborhood in Hong Kong, in the cracks of solidarity, in the understanding of an Italian autonomy movement, in the irreversible lives in China and Taiwan as well as the thinking of cultivating aesthetic techniques as if it is an animal farming industry. The thing all these silent dialogues had in common was to escape from us, and it started after Exodus. 

麥巔 Dian MAI,獨立藝文工作者|中國(Independent Art and Cultural Worker / China),生於湖北荊門,後因入學遷入省會武漢;現今是一位自雇者、獨立研究者以及朋克樂手。自2008年起,居住於一座被命名為「我們家青年自治實驗室」的民宅中。


螢幕快照 2015-07-14 上午2.16.40.png
螢幕快照 2015-07-14 上午2.07.18.png


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